Our customer and discovery phase begins with a meeting that includes the homeowner and contractor to understand their essential needs. We will look at the layout of the home to find out what is already included and where additional technologies may be needed and or desired. We will discuss a wish list of specific items including entertainment, comfort, lighting, and more!
- Design outline
- Budget
- Construction timeline
- Follow up on any outstanding items
- Establish a date & time for second meeting for delivery and review of project proposal.
- Discuss Definition of design
- Material & Manufacturers explanations
- Products communicating together
- Simplicity of operation
- Value engineering - Product explanation and specifications
- Pricing and terms
- Acceptance or repair
- Necessary proposal changes
- Proposal acceptance - Does not mean the proposal has been accepted only; no changes need to be made
- Create contract
- Terms of service
- Terms of payment and payment schedule
- Terms of process
- Installation schedule
- Terms of design materials
- Diagrams, Permits & Sub-contractor
- Contract Acceptance & Signature
- Design drawings & installation preparation
- Design material delivery
This phase is earmarked by assignment of the custom install manager. They are responsible for the oversight and management of the entire custom install project. They will perform the tasks listed below, including project kick-off, customer and contractor expectations and communication to make sure the project is always on-task, on-schedule and on-budget.
- Initiate Custom Installation Meeting
- Assign Custom Install Manager
- Develop Construction/Install Schedule
- Discuss Manpower and process management
- Establish formal contacts & contact info with contractor
- Initiate Materials Purchasing
- Establish Materials Delivery and Install timeline
- Schedule Design Engineer if Applicable
- Sales Agent
- Maintains project design vision and customer expectations. Communicates with the homeowner for any changes.
FRAMING STAGE: During this phase, there are multiple walkthroughs and benchmarks for inspection that may or may not include the customer. If necessary, our custom install manager will walk the property at the framing stage with the necessary people involved to verify locations such as Speaker placement, TV locations, Lighting, comfort, home security, window treatments, etc.
After we have wired per plans, walk the home with the contractor and homeowner to verify locations and discuss any changes wanting to be made before insulation and drywall.
After homeowners have moved in, we set up an appointment with homeowners to walk through the final home installation. Answer any questions about the actual installation. Teach the family how to use the entire system including lighting, security, TVs, music, thermostats, window shades, door locks, home alarm system, cameras, and anything else that has been integrated with home control system. We design and demonstrate 5 standard “scenes” that have been created to start (good morning, welcome, goodbye, goodnight, entertain), we demonstrate these and encourage the family to think up new scenes to be able to create on the next and final visit.
- Project Wrap Up
- Final Project inspection with
- Sales agent
- Custom install manager
- Homeowner
- Construction super
- Schedule homeowner training